Thursday, January 19, 2006

Next News of the Day coming tomorrow

It appears the China e-Lobby's home base internet connection called in sick for much of the day. As such, I won' be able to squeeze out a News of the Day until tomorrow; apologies to all.

In the meantime, the History Channel is airing "Tiananmen Square Declassified." It's billing the one-hour show as an inside look at - if my memory of the 3AM ad is correct - "the corruption that led to the slaughter."

What the documentary actually says is, of course, unknown, unless his has been aired earlier and someone among the readership has seen it (if so, please feel free to review in the comments). Still, at the very least it will show us what the cable-watchers of America will see, and remember, of the massacre.

For those of you interested, it airs at 10PM and 2AM Eastern Standard Time (9/1 Central, 8/12 Mountain, 7/11 Pacific).

Until tomorrow . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The best film I have seen, and in my opinion the definitive story about Tiananmen Square, is "The Gate of Heavenly Peace". It aired on PBS's Frontline many moons agao. It is available for rent or purchase on VHS here: