Friday, October 03, 2008

The Korean colony finally did its job

It may have taken longer than it was supposed to take, but if the BBC is any indication, the Communists' Korean colony finally moved the melamine scandal (Boycott 2008) off the front pages. It also made sure the Beijing petitioners arrested on the anniversary of the founding of the "People's Republic" were all but completely ignored (Epoch Times).

Of course, the cadres still need the viceroy to give them political cover, so American negotiator Chris Hill wasn't allowed to get anything done this week (One Free Korea), but the talks were enough to ensure he'll come scurrying back the next time Beijing needs a distraction - um, North Korea acts up.

Speaking of Beijing needing distractions, numerous plans are already in the works to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre of 1989 (Taiwan Central News Agency Epoch Times). Of course, June 4, 2009 is a eight months away, plenty of time to plan how Pyongyang can monopolize the front page.

If the Korean colony doesn't have the heft to pull it off, the cadres do have other options, like their biggest ally in the Middle East (the Iranian mullahcracy). Circle May 31, 2009 on your calendar. I'm going out on a limb and predicting that as the date for Iran's nuclear test.

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