Tuesday, October 31, 2006

News of the Day (October 31 - Happy Halloween!)

Communist China has responded to international outrage at North Korea by increasing aid: The U.S.-China Economic Security Review Commission has found that Communist China has "contributed at least indirectly to North Korea's nuclear program" (Bill Gertz, Washington Times). Moreover, the Communist regime "has actually increased its assistance and trade with North Korea" (emphasis added) as the rest of the world was pushing Beijing to rein in its Korean colony. Meanwhile, "North Korean front companies operate freely in China and have used China as a transit point for trade in missile and nuclear components."

From the China Freedom Blog Alliance: One Free Korea unearths evidence of Communist Chinese involvement in the spy scandal roiling South Korea. OFK also excerpts a New York Times column by former Czech President Vaclav Havel, Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel, and former Norwegian Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik slamming Stalinist North Korea as "one of the most egregious human-rights and humanitarian disasters in the world today."

More on Stalinist North Korea: The Stalinists decide its time to extort Washington again - ahem - return to the six-party nuclear talks (BBC). Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill cites Australia's role in the SNK issue (China Confidential via Epoch Times). South Korean anti-Communists hold a rally calling for an investigation of the aforementioned spy scandal (United Press International via Washington Times). South Korea's dovish Unification Minister wants a Roh-Kim summit (UPI via Washington Times). Daily NK interviews the new Chairman of the South Korean's National Human Rights Commission.

U.S. wants al Qaeda anthrax researcher - but Pakistan protects him: Abdul Rauf, a Pakistani anthrax expert who reported directly to al Qaeda's Ayman al-Zawahiri, is a free man in Pakistan today, because the Musharraf regime chose to let him go rather than hand him over to the U.S. Thanks to Pakistan's decision, as one American official put it, "the chances of getting him into the United States are slim to none" (UPI via Washington Times).

On Middle Eastern Proxy Number One: Michael Evans (World Net Daily) echoes Michael Ledeen's exasperation (fourth item) with those who refuse to acknowledge the mullahcracy's role in supporting anti-American terrorists in Iraq. Daniel Pipes (Cybercast News) notes that time is running out regarding the mullahs' nuclear ambitions.

Anti-Communist declares Presidential campaign: Congressman Duncan Hunter "is starting the process of seeking the presidency in 2008" (Washington Post). Hunter is easily one of the best anti-Communists in Washington, and would have topped this corner's summer survey of candidates if it had been known he was running.

More on Communist China and the United States: The Bush Administration "has welcomed China's request for closer military links with its South East Asian neighbors" (BBC). Meanwhile, Microsoft and Cisco defend their cowardly behavior toward Communist China (BBC). Run, Duncan, run!

Communists to build railroad in Nigeria: The Communists will be paid $8 billion for building the railroad; a large chunk of the money will come from an earlier Communist loan to Nigeria (BBC).

Even organ recipients in Communist China are dying: The legacy of Communist organ harvesting took an unusual twist with this Epoch Times report: "Doctors from hospitals in Shanghai and Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province convinced healthy people to accept joint heart and lung transplantation surgery so the surgeons could practice their skills and complete their training." One of the patients is now dead.

Communists remove death penalty decisions from lower courts: Now only the top Communist court supposedly can execute prisoners (BBC).

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